Mitschnitt ssh-pubkeymgr Aufruf

# ssh-pubkeymgr
Setting host to NODENAME

Checking for existing user public keys..
Couldn't find your DSA keypair.. I'll generate you a new set..
Running ssh-keygen2... don't forget to give it a passphrase!
Generating 1024-bit dsa key pair
   2 Oo.oOoo.oOo.
Key generated.
1024-bit dsa, root@NODENAME, Tue Aug 13 2002 14:26:57
Passphrase :
Again      :
Private key saved to /.ssh2/id_dsa_1024_a
Public key saved to /.ssh2/
Creating your identity file..
Creating your authorization file..

Note: You'll need to edit this appropriately.
Creating your local host public key..
Adding your local host in case you don't want to go anywhere ;)
Do you want to add any hosts to your authorization file? (y[es]) y

Type in their hostname, press return after each one.
Add which user?
Add which host?
You added adv at NODENAME as a trusted login.
Press return to continue or Ctrl-D to exit.
All the new files are in your /.ssh2 directory.

Do you want to upload  root@NODENAME key to a remote host? (Default: yes)      no
Skipping local user public key uploads..

Don't forget to run ssh-pubkeymgr on any remote hosts you sent
your public key to.
